Integrated Learning Presentation

I have presented my narrative using docs to make a book.

I worked with Luca and Thomas

My narrative showed empathy by because Nightmare knew how Alvin would feel being adopted since he was too.

The thing I enjoyed most about this learning was getting to hear about the different myths and Legends

Something I learnt about Myths and Legends was that they are all different.



PE/Sport Blog, Week 6-7, term 3
You can use any of  following to help you complete your art attack blog

For PE/Sport my goals were to use:
  • Positive relationships with individuals or groups.
  • Positive teamwork

    • PE: Teamwork
I think I am at extended abstract because I can work with people so that we have fun by playing by the rules.

PE: Relationship with individuals and groups
I think I am at extended abstract because I can work with people even if I don't like them and help them if need and I can reflect on what I could do better.


PE: Teamwork
I feel that I am at abstract I can interact with other in a team and play in different role on the field even if I not comfortable there.I participate

I will not get angry at the referee even if I feel I'm not in the wrong.

C.A.R.E Values Blog, Week 8-9, term 3

My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .
  • My strengths are in being a a respectful person because I consistently use my manners.
  • I have achieved my bronze certificate.
  • I am working on the silver award.

  • I am going to work towards my silver because it the next care certificate.
  • I am going to do this by making sure I show my care values all the time. The main one is excellence, I will work really hard on E8 sharing your learning with your whanau class.